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Cloud and Colocation are services which allow businesses to host their data in different ways. The conversation around the two hosting platforms is one which is regular amongst many businesses, especially given the recent increase in remote working which has allowed a more flexible approach to the working space and the importance of the traditional 9-5 office.

Colocation is a hosting platform, where the customer purchases their own servers and hardware which is the hosted by the colocation provider in their data centre and who provides the space, power, rack, and bandwidth. Larger enterprises who have invested in hardware often go the colocation route to house their servers because it saves money in the long run, and it offers the benefit and flexibility that comes with total server control.

The cloud is not a place, rather software and/or hardware available via the Internet. This is useful if kit hasn’t already been invested in as it allows remote hosting without having to purchase hardware to allow the hosting. Smaller organisations usually opt for the cloud because of the scalable cost, low overheads, and no need for an IT staff.

Colocation and cloud services offer businesses alternatives to housing their data. Based on their specific requirements, each service has its unique pros and cons. Does your business put a higher premium on delivery or data security? Do your assets require full control or is convenience your main priority?

If you want to do a price comparison and look at how much datacentres around the globe would cost you, head to our pricing calculator and have a play. You might be surprised…

Network Integration Technologies Limited T/A Kolokation
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Company Registration Number: 6129469